Life-changing online therapy for Texans

Allow yourself to heal — no matter where you are. Get professional help in your comfort zone.

Are you trying to heal, but you don’t know how?

Life’s hustle, tight schedules and Texas traffic keep getting in the way?

Start online.

Teletherapy offers —


Results-driven therapy that fits any schedule or preference

Online therapy is perfect for you if:

You just can’t find the time

The clock ticks relentlessly. Finding time for yourself feels impossible between work, family, and daily responsibilities.

You know you need help, but when? Where? How?

Work’s got your schedule hooked

Long hours, pressing deadlines, limited PTO. The thought of stepping out for therapy seems like a luxury you can’t afford.

Your career is important — but so is your mental health.

You yearn for an unbiased perspective

Sometimes, those closest to us can’t provide the objective or helpful view we need, so…

…you’re seeking a fresh perspective from someone who can see your situation clearly, without preconceptions or judgments.

Driving to therapy is a NO-NO

Traffic jams, parking woes, transition time, wasted hours on the road. The idea of battling Texas traffic for a therapy session feels overwhelming. By the time you’ve arrived, you’ve lost another hour.

I get it. You want help, not another source of stress.

Flexibility is a big deal for you

Upending your entire schedule just to make it to therapy scares you. Help is great, but only if it doesn’t ruin anything else.

Thankfully, nothing bends to your schedule more easily than online therapy. 


BridgeHope Family Therapy Can Help!

Accelerated trauma recovery

Whatever you’re dealing with or going through, there are tools, resources and strategies to accelerate your recovery from trauma, PTSD or CPTSD.

Victory over emotional struggles

And as long you’re open and willing to participate, there’s no emotional hurdle we can’t scale together.

Expert guidance wherever you are

Access to a PhD-level therapist with 8+ years of experience. Specialized techniques, including EMDR, CBT, and ACT. Ongoing support between sessions via secure messaging.

Better, much-improved living

Develop enhanced relationships and sharpen your communication skills. Open doors to deeper connections.

Gain increased self-awareness AND master emotional regulation

Life-changing online therapy for Texans

Online therapy that fits your life, not the other way around


Helping Texans Genuinely Smile Again
— 8+ Years of Therapeutic Experience

It’s been EIGHT years of building bridges andcreating healing from dark places.

PTSD & Trauma

Everything we do at BridgeHope Family Therapy is trauma-informed.

Learn to process difficult memories and build resilience safely. 

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) are all therapy techniques I regularly use with adults. 


Learn to quiet the noise in your mind. Arm yourself with the tools to manage anxiety and rediscover calm.

An anxiety-free you is a big part of the best version of you. Finally, you get to reunite with that person.

Relationship Worries

Whether it’s family, partners, or friends, I’ll guide you as you navigate complex relationships and make healthier connections.

We’ll discuss healthy boundary-setting, attachment styles and other psychotherapy topics in a way that is adapted to your needs and history.


Learn to reclaim your confidence. Arm yourself with the tools to manage self-doubt and create more boundaries and self-respect.

A confident you is foundational to the best version of you.

Work/Life Challenges

Are you having work/life challenges? Well, you’re not alone.

Around 60% of workers in the US feel like they don’t have boundaries separating their professional and personal lives. Even more shockingly, 66% skip a meal every day because of their work hours!


Your journey. Your terms.

Here’s an outlook on your online therapy journey:

Life-changing online therapy for Texans



Aside from all the expertise and the positive reviews?

Ready for Step ONE?

Your growth path is ONE click away. Embrace the journey to a better you.