Online Therapy for Work/Life Challenges

Are you having work/life challenges? Well, you’re not alone.

Around 60% of workers in the US feel like they don’t have boundaries separating their professional and personal lives. Even more shockingly, 66% skip a meal every day because of their work hours!

And yet, 72% know the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

So, what’s getting in the way between most people and that balance? Is online therapy for work/life challenges the answer?

Getting Through the Obstacles

There’s a lot that could keep a person from seeking professional help for work-life imbalance. Hectic schedules and fear of the stigma are two common obstacles.

Let’s take a closer look.

Finding the Time for Therapy in a Busy Schedule

If you’re already juggling a hectic work schedule, you might be under the impression that therapy is off the table. After all, you barely have time for your personal life. So, how are you going to find time for weekly sessions?

We understand the struggle, but there are flexible therapy options. For one, it’s easier to squeeze online therapy into your schedule and make it work on your terms.

Plus, you could ask your employer to accommodate your sessions. You’d ask for it if you had to go to the dentist, wouldn’t you?

Sure, people can be weird about mental health issues, but you don’t have to disclose all the details. You could just let them know you’ll be having a recurring medical appointment for the next few months.

Dealing With the Stigma

Your boss, coworkers, and clients may assume that your “recurring appointment” is mental-health-related. You might even want to disclose that you’re in therapy.

Some say you shouldn’t disclose, but it’s up to you.

If you’re in a senior role, talking freely about therapy can show staff members that you support mental health. This way, you’ll encourage them to be honest with you if they need help, too.

Remember that to deal with the stigma, you have to start by challenging your own outlook. When you feel shame, others around you might pick up on it.

How Online Therapy Can Help You

Finding time in your schedule and dealing with the stigma might seem like a hassle, but professional help is worth it.

Clarifying Misconceptions

People often ignore personal differences when they’re defining work-life balance. You see, the “perfect” work-life integration for you doesn’t have to look the same for your friend or your coworker.

How do you figure out what it is supposed to look like for you?

Well, that’s something that a therapist can help with. During the online sessions, you’ll work on identifying what matters most to you and finding out what is/isn’t negotiable in your life.

From there, you can start setting realistic goals.

Online Therapy for Work/Life Challenges
Online Therapy for Work/Life Challenges

Establishing and Communicating Boundaries

Nowadays, it’s hard to really take a hard stop from work. Some of us live with the risk of an urgent email popping up on our phones virtually any time.

Having a hard time saying “no” will only exacerbate the problem. That’s why you might want to talk to your therapist about setting healthy boundaries and communicating them with your managers and coworkers.

Knowing When to Ask for Help

Knowing and being proud of your strengths is great. However, therapy sessions will show you that, sometimes, it’s okay to ask for help (and even outright delegate).

Not only will this help you iron out your schedule, but it’ll also keep the stress down.

Guarding Your Downtime

Your therapist will likely ask you to make time for yourself. That’s not necessarily the same thing as setting time for your family and friends.

Instead, you want to schedule self-care activities and make sure nothing infringes on this downtime.

Addressing Relationship Problems

Maybe being so occupied with work has strained your relations. Or perhaps it’s the other way around, and family issues are compounding your work-related stress.

Either way, you need to address problems in your relationships to get closer to your work-life integration goals.

Individual therapy and couples counseling both can come in handy here.

Online Therapy for Work/Life Challenges
Online Therapy for Work/Life Challenges

Managing Stress

A therapist will also help you manage stress, regardless of what is causing it (work or personal life).

This could include:

Let's get started

Reach out today to improve your work-life challenges, establish and communicate boundaries, reach out for support, guard your downtime, address relationship problems, and manage stress.